Sunday, April 11, 2021

First AirBnB

Bill writes...

Stayed 1 night at Air-b-n-b in a suburb of Seattle, Wallenford.  Very upscale, 1920-1930’s, colonial looking style houses.  Everything groomed & professionally crafted feeling; not my type.  I'm a more organic, homemade, self-made person. My grandpa was that way on his farm.  Built his own sheds - made a machine shop from an old railroad boxcar - had a welder & crafted and designed stuff he needed around the farm.  People who know me have seen my yard/place and nothing looks too professional manicured.  It gives me the feeling of uncertainty - things could change at any time - and they have and they are.  

This place tonight is soooooooo perfect, like a showcase or museum, too orderly.  Also, Air-b-n-b’s are in neighborhoods where there is no cafes or stores - I’m walking this trip around my world.  It’s very comfortable living but not sustainable long term for me.

It is morning now and I am hearing & seeing robins singing in the trees and hopping around on the green grass outside my bedroom window.  Reminds me of MN - we always had lots of robins especially in spring - was a good feeling for me as a kid because it signified that the damn cold winter was ending.  Birds have always fascinated me.  Back then I carried a notebook in my pocket to remind me when & where & what birds I was witnessing, then compared it to my notes of the previous year.  Nature has always been a part of my visual & instinctual environment.  I am noticing many blossoming trees here but no one I ask knows - hmmmmmm, why?  Why does my internal radar see so much?  Then I don’t get answers to all my questions!!!  Again. 

PS:  was just in the kitchen and found a ‘crumb’ on the floor, OHH!!

1 comment:

MaryAlice Holmes said...

Wonderful! I hope you will continue to post such descriptive entries the entire way across the country so that all your fans and loved ones can follow along in spirit. ❤️🌵🙏


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