Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Whatever it takes

 Sunday April 11th -

It’s been a week since I left my comfy recliner at home and it was test day yesterday.  My 2 hour planned trip past Washington University turned into 7 hours. Got lost, turned around, got too much info from someone who told me to backtrack. Where I intended to go as my trail map showed, confused me as the same trail was on both sides going around Lake Washington.  Long story short - I got f….ing lost.  Should have called my reliable navigator, KRJ, next time I will!  But tested to the max, mentally & physically, I had no desire to quit or give up.  That will set the stage for the remaining journey.  

Lesson learned that my 80 years of age has different restrictions than I did at 40 0r 50.  Never pushed my bike uphill  - now I do - I must.  Never got lost on a bicycle - now I see it's possible.  I’ll have 4 layers of top clothes on - get too warm, then the wind picks up - and I get chilly.  Keep ‘er going, don’t stop.  My motto has been for many years - “do what it takes, not do your best” - doing my best is bullshit - could give up at any time then.  “Get ‘er done”!

Kim here, Seattle has been an interesting lesson for me in just how closely we’ll be following the Great American Rails-to-Trails map. A path from A to B that might be 20 miles on google maps, becomes 50 miles on rails to trails, mainly because the trails are more beautiful on the 50-mile trek, I get it, but Bill is 79 years old. I think actually making it across the country is the wider goal. This week we let go of a good section that he’ll never see, but who cares. He still has done the 50 miles over the 20, but now I know better. In the 12 steps they always say, KISS, Keep it simple stupid. So my wonderful husband will be hopping a shuttle this week over a 3000 ft. snow-covered mountain pass. He never wants to see snow, but I’m sure he’ll be happier to see it from a bus. He still has 30 miles of biking before that bus and 1200 ft of elevation and it has been chilly already, so he’s taking a break to prepare. I realize now I’m the virtual sag wagon and actually, I’m loving it.

Monday, April 12th - There was some complaining going on today about 2 tires being too tired..so I needed to get it (him) off his feet for a day.  I’m in motel 6 and have 2 beds - this seems to work out fine for now.  Resting up here for 2 days before I head into the mountains.  My travel agent informs me of what is ahead and snow is part of the equation - strategic planning is needed for this endeavor.  I hope it (he) will be rested up and so will I.  I-Hop is next door so will have some cakes in the morning ...and so it is!!!!!


Donna and Lance said...

You're inspiring us old folks here in Nova Scotia. Bravo. We look forward to more of these posts and wish you safe, wonderful adventures.
Donna and Lance

Amy Putkonen said...

OK, Bill. I'm tuning in late because I had Eric's parents visiting for the last three weeks, pretty much the time since you started. I don't want ANY spoilers. I am starting from the beginning and reading my way through, but WHAT is your bike doing on someone's sheets?! Don't you know that the oil from your chain could ruin them? Tsk. OK, Bill. Looking forward to reading more of your adventures. You are either terrifically brave or horrifically stupid. I' m going with brave.


Haru's beautiful song, "Home'... Now going home Where buffalo don’t roam There might be a gnome …..shalom!! ...had to do it….on...